Tuesday, 13 December 2011

the Diva way...

Hello, world!

I started this journey called life and living, to paraphrase a good and wise friend of mine - a Native woman, with a strong mind, a great determination and a heart of gold, 31 years ago...

I decided to become a diva somewhere around 2007... I was already acting as one - hot one moment, cold the next... Get your mind out of the gutter, people! It is not what you're thinking...

My diva attitude became mostly visible in my work. Its roots - when I get brave enough to go to a doctor (head doctor) - will probably be found in some terrible accident of my childhood, when I didn't get the toy I wanted or something... I don't know... Or maybe someone looked at me funny... No idea!

Anyway... Bygones!

Being a diva, for me, is being different. Acting up, acting out... Making noise! Being charming... Being bitchy... Having that wonderful, nice smile... but also the dagger hidden in your purse... Strange, I never have a purse with me, but I was told my tongue is poisoned...

What else? Going crazy... being loving... always funny... gentle and caring... giving it my very best... crying at silly rom-coms... hating Jennifer Aniston's looks... loving ice cream (especially because it is so bad for me and it won't get me closer to Jennifer Aniston's body - God, I hate that!)... working my butt off... dancing the night away... being passionate about everything - whether it is a project at work or a small fling...

Right now, I feel soft and pleasant... I am willing to just chill. I'd like some ice-cream... Jennifer Aniston's body!!! LOL

The point is... anyone can be a Diva... Being a diva is more like being yourself... that self you do not want  people to see, unless they've signed a prenup and a confidentiality agreement beforehand... That self you sometimes kiss in the morning in the mirror, because you just can't get enough of you! That self that most times stays hidden, because showing her (or him... Who says guys can't be divas? Look at Charlie Sheen!!!) to the world would be like sending a 24 ton of C4 load straight into the White House...

This is about being who you are, at all times. That is the Diva way... Screw the critics - no one has ever built a statue to any of them! Screw the gossip! If anyone talks about how you act, you should be grateful... Think of how empty their lives are, if they have time to dissect yours... Screw the imitators! They'll never be able to fully act like you do... And screw the hypocrites! Who cares what they think, anyway?

Nothing beats being a Diva... except maybe having a little bit of chocolate covered vanilla ice cream...

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